Symphony Environmental Technologies Plc., (“Symphony”), a world leader in technologies to make ordinary plastic biodegradable, and other innovations to enhance plastic products, is pleased to have been awarded the Green Economy Mark by the London Stock Exchange.
Robert Barnes, Global Head of Primary Markets said:
“The Green Economy Mark is launched today, with many of you raising the rafters with a really successful market-open. As you can see on the screen today at LSEG, Companies like Symphony Environmental Technologies, now have the Green Economy Mark.
“The Green Economy Mark recognises the growing number of companies who are addressing new markets for green and sustainable solutions. We apply the FTSE Russell Green Environmental Opportunities Data to identify companies and funds that make 50 per cent or more of their revenues from environmental solutions. They are split almost 50/50 between the Main Market and AIM. By raising their visibility and profile, we hope to help investors see the breadth of the green economy and to identify issues they had not otherwise considered. We are privileged to be the only Exchange in the world to provide this visibility to investors and issuers alike.”
Michael Laurier, CEO of Symphony, commented:
“I am delighted that Robert Barnes made a special mention of Symphony in his opening speech at the launch. It is important to us that Symphony has been awarded this prestigious “Green Economy Mark”. This will help our global communications significantly, in a world that is looking for immediate and cost-effective solutions to the problem of plastic materials that escape collection and get into the open environment.”